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Nathan Warrington

The Amazing Single-mom!

Hello dear reader.

I decided to title this blog “Amazing Singlemom”, because of the web of things that you have to manage all alone, like the superhero the amazing spider-man (I always wondered why there never was a spider woman), he also spun his web to tackle the villain. Also, just because you ladies are so amazing – so enjoy the read and be inspired!

Before moving on, I just wanted to mention that I was raised a man, with my siblings, by my beautiful mom (may her soul rest in peace), who was a single mother. So, I know firsthand what you all are going or will go through. I hope this piece, will empower you to complete your mission, with flying colors. This blog is also for mothers in general because my wife (queen) is a great mom and grandma (29 years) – so to all moms be recognized!

Parenthood isn’t easy and as a single mom, you have double the stress, and tears. But if you look on the bright side you also have double the hugs and love! Being a single mom can be very challenging and sometimes you just need a few tips and encouragement to move forward. This is a reason why this blog has landed in our survival category. One of the first things that are hard for new, or even existing single mothers to conquer is… getting over separation from the baby’s father. Now when I say father, I don’t mean the baby producer, I mean a real man who takes on his responsibility of financially, emotionally, and mentally supporting you with raising your child(ren) even when you both live your separate lives. It is difficult when your ex is doing the right thing, but you two can’t see eye to eye, you just have to be an adult and leave the differences behind and focus on the mission of raising those children to be successful adults. That subject will be in another blog.

Now it may be, that you ladies do not receive the needed help (like my mom), you must work or work and finish and or further your education. You will not only have to be a manager, but you will have to be a CEO (manage the management).

The first essential task is setting the right mindset. After the crying and cursing, it is time to stand up, brush yourself off, and fight. Get your mindset adjusted to the situation and focus on the future. Until you have your independence and security set up, don’t even think about the next new relationship and dating, etc. Not to say you shouldn’t go out sometime without children, because you should, but dating is definitely not your focus. You need to set up a secure base for you and your children. And don’t forget your body workout and keeping physically fit, not for advertisement, but for your self-esteem and needed energy. If you cannot afford the gym because of a low budget, work out at home/outside.

And now to financial survival and security, you need to start setting your budget. So before moving on I wish to speak to all single mommies, those well-to-do, and those who have to really struggle as my mom did in the beginning. So first, there are all types of sources of help for single moms and I don’t mean only food stamps. Here is a clip from Yvonne Hudduma surviving as a single mom.

There are many online tips for setting up a budget according to your income. If you don’t get yourself positioned, you will fail. Look for support groups (not gossip and man-hater groups, we’re not all bad.), sometimes you need help outside of family and friends, don’t be too proud or embarrassed to ask, it can be helpful.

You will have to learn to readjust your priorities. Don’t feel you have to overcompensate because you are separating or going through a divorce, so what if the house wasn’t cleaned in 2 days, take one step at a time, Rome also wasn’t built in a day.

No matter what the reason was for the separation, give up the guilt feeling, the battle with your ex, not giving your child enough material pleasure, etc. focus on that what is working for you at the moment and build on that – don’t stand still, it can lead to disaster (alcoholism and drugs). I am trying to keep my tips short, I don't like too long bla bla.

You may also be looking for opportunities where you can build your independent income base around your family, not vice versa. My mom did exactly that in the 60s with a company you may know by the name AVON, and later Tupperware. Well, times have changed but there are still opportunities where you can work easier from home and earn extra shopping money to build a very successful business, even in tough times like these.

Our company has many ideas which we will recommend in the future, but I would like to only mention one for now and that is the company LIFEWAVE.

Lifewave is in the field of wellness, health, beauty, and fitness. They offer a patented wearable technology that can activate stem cells. There are a lot of opportunities with this product, but like all products you should bring interest in health, beauty etc. in order to be successful, and Yes, it will entail a financial investment, but it's affordable. Just click on the photo for more information.

Take your time and inform yourself, and any questions you may have, just email us, the details are at the bottom of our website. Click the picture for more


So, ladies, I am going to stop here because I’m really not a friend of long blogs.

We salute you and hope to empower you, and all single moms on the planet.

if you like or have a friend/family member that is an AMAZING SINGLE MOM, we’ve made a few designed Merchandise for you.

Just click on one of the pictures to see more.

Thanks for taking time for our post, stay healthy and see you soon!

Your friendly Nateworker

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