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Nathan Warrington

Soul food for the Soul of Man

Updated: Mar 18, 2022

Hello dear reader.

According to Wikipedia Soul food is an ethnic cuisine traditionally prepared and eaten by African Americans, originating in the Southern United States. But is that what Soul Food really is? Are the African Americans of the Southern USA, the only ones eating Soul Food? Did humans eat Soul food in ancient civilizations? What is soul food really?

Well, just read on and we will see. At the end of the blog I have a very special offer!

Please note, I am no scholar, Professor, or religious teacher, just a normal human being with 60 years of life experience, sharing his views. And my intention is to unite in peace.

Table of contents

As you will notice, this blog is a part of the very first blog we’ve posted, about the human soul. Remember the question was, if we humans even have a soul, and what does it look like?

As always, when getting the facts of something and trying to understand a mystery, you’ve got to break down or take apart that which is known, and ask yourself the right questions in the right way?

Ok, Soul Food, let’s look at the words individually. The soul is that mysterious element in our bodies that can not be seen with the naked eye or even with the most advanced telescope for that matter, but most of us will agree, we have at least one. And we all know what food is (fruit, vegetables, flesh, candy, junk food, etc.). How does food feed that which is not material or what you can not see??

When food is digested, part of its nutrients are absorbed in the blood (10 -90%), and depending on what types of food and the digestion process, part of the food is stored in the wrong places :-( Before moving on, how often do you eat food with a consciousness of the travel it makes from mouth entry, to chewing, to swallowing etc.?

Alone the journey of food from your mouth to let's say the exit point is a miracle and we must consciously realize that a super intelligent being made us this way, don't ask your priest, ask your doctor. We humans are a highly designed creation and wonder, unfortunately we are so caught up in our daily endeavors that we don't take the time to realize this. I think that's one of the reasons why we get certain sicknesses, it gives us kind of like a time out, to think of how we'd like to be healthy and change the things that got us in that state, some use the time correctly others don't.

What saves Life?

Back to our topic. So we left off with blood and that is the connection to the SOUL FOOD!

Did you ever ask yourself the question, why can't we save life with Urine, or saliva, why blood? Why when talking about our ancestry we say bloodline and not sperm-line?

Before moving on, have a quick look at how blood was discovered to save life.

Most of us have heard of the term “you are what you eat”, but we all know if we eat a banana our skin won’t turn yellow, some people act like monkeys though, but not because of bananas, more from the alcohol/drugs consumed or no home training.

The research in nutrition has been finding, over again, that a diet that is highly plant-based (fresh organic fruits and vegetables, beans, nuts, and whole grains), reduces the risk of the most deadly and disabling illnesses. We know that food and drinks, affect our energy levels (coffee, oranges, salmons etc.) and MOODS (Alcohol, beans, eggs, unsweetened yogurt) which come from the brain center associated with our mind which is connected to our soul, so these are all types of SOUL FOOD,

Have a look at the clip.

Just real quick, the majority of the world has heard of and even says perfectly ADAM.

Do you know what language the name is? Hebrew. And do you know what the second syllable means? If you take the A (in hebrew) away from DAM (A--DAM) the second part, the DAM means - BLOOD. The first letter is associated with the creator but that's another topic - Movin on.

I believe all humans or at least the majority of us, are descendants from Noah. None of us know exactly what they ate before the flood, but according to the old ancient scriptures (Genesis 9 Verse 3), when after the flood Noah was told to be fruitful, multiply and replenish the earth (in modern day today created man is talkin population control), he was told that besides the herbs and vegetation, he was allowed to eat flesh or meat. So I assume he must have been a vegetarian.

Now, this is before there is any religion, etc. The creator told him to take 7 pairs of clean animals and two pair unclean. As I said, before religion. But what made them clean, soap and water? Another topic for another time.

Maybe some of you readers have a sort of G-d phobea, and I am not hatin, I just want to ask, why do we so lightly listen to human doctors, who are blessed with the knowledge to heal, and not listen to the creator of those doctors (G-d) who is really dong the healing?

Ok back to the subject.

In the 9th chapter, verse 4, it says for the first time in human history man can consume meat, BUT the BLOOD, you shouldn’t eat. In other words drain the blood from the meat (SOUL FOOD) because in the blood is life.

So as we have seen above, many lives are saved with blood, and that thousands of years before the discovery of using blood to heal, it was known in the ancient scriptures, that blood is the SOUL FOOD connection.

Remember the old vampire movies were also portraying blood as energy/life giver for the Count and his crew :-). So we know we are what we eat and the food consumed has an affect on our souls - do yourself a favor and pay attention to what you eat and how you eat it.

The fast foods are convenient and are smartly designed to make us addictive to the effects of the diseases, so please take care and inspect the ingredients of your food and bless your food so that you're body & soul will absorb better energy and you have a better chance of being blessed.

Healthy convenience

Now we are at the end of our blog, and since we are talking about souls and food, I would like to draw your attention to two very interesting companies offering a super service that can bring happiness for your soul.

At present most people are very unhappy with the leadership on our planet. They put us and our economy on Lockdown, now Benzin prices are sky high, as well as other articles, people are on edge, uptight.

Since the lockdown, and people making practically "Sh**ty" investments by buying up all of the toilet paper, I thought of how we (W.A.R. Strategies), could be of any help in such circumstances, and after long searching and mind jogging, I have found the first 2 solutions.

I said first 2 because I am still waiting for feedback from the last one.

This convenience is not only practicle for during these times, you may have elderly parents, who you may not have time to shop for, or you are on vacation and don't want to carry so much food, or a college student and want to take the time you would be shopping and just relaxing the brain.

The first one here is MyTime, this first information unfortunately is only for those living in Germany! down below you will find the second partner for all.

Listen to the video of myTime!


Here introducing Austrian supermarket

AustrianSupermarket is part of the Consus Handels GmbH located in Vienna/Austria.

AustrianSupermarket has been in e-commerce since 2006, so rest assured, you are in very good and experienced hands. they offer

more than 3,500 articles of gourmet food, groceries, drinks, beverages, delicacies and specialties from Austria or inspired by Austrian cuisine.

They deliver to 95 countries around the world, serving private customers and consumers (B2C) as well as companies (B2B). It's super easy and convenient, no queuing or heavy grocery bags waiting to be carried home involved. By trusting in you will be able to enjoy Austrian specialties, no matter where you live.


I hope you enjoyed our blog and want to wish you a health happy weekend!

Take care and see you soon!


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