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Nathan Warrington

Peace is possible

Updated: Feb 20, 2022

Hello dear reader.

What could be logical reasons for two or more countries to war against another?

With all of the greed and looseness, is world peace even possible to achieve?

We at W.A.R. Strategies believe “Peace is Possible. Every one of us has to start within ourselves!

Sounds funny coming from a company with the name WAR Strategies, right? Well, at the end of our blog, you will see what our name is about, so we hope you enjoy the read, and please spread the news!

I have decided to write this blog because we (inhabitants on our planet) are standing very close to a global war (Russia – Ukraine & China - Taiwan USA in the mix), which can get very, very ugly. All of this could be avoided if peace and freedom for all would be the primary focus, but unfortunately, in my opinion, there are a few very evil, ugly decision-makers (Weapon manufacturers, Bankers, big pharma, politicians, etc.), who look to profit financially and take more control. If we open our eyes, we can see wars going on in our own countries (Americas, Europe, Australia, etc.) and bullets are not flying yet, but you kind of get the feeling that the governments and the global elitists want to keep us in diversion, on opposing fronts and in unhealthy competition, so they can have more power over the small guys like us – my opinion.

Wars have been a part of our (human) history since ancient times in Mesopotamia and have become increasingly destructive as the industrial & technological ages have advanced.

Most reasons for war are to take control of a certain area, the resources, and its people. But there can be numerous other causes that are often intertwined. For example, religion, nationalism, revenge, civil, revolutionary, etc.

Is war necessary? I believe only when you can prevent evil people from harming innocent people. Children being abused, trafficked, etc., women being beaten and stripped of their dignity, and men being abused and sold as slaves.

Yes, there are great causes to fight and die for, but like with all situations in life, using the heart and mind is the key to peace and success.

The Chinese General Sun Tzu advised “In peace prepare for war”, in war prepare for peace”; The Roman General Vegetius remarked, “If you want peace, prepare for war”. In 1963 J. F. Kennedy had a vision of genuine peace, World Peace. “Not merely peace in our time but peace for all time…Peace need not be impracticable, and war need not be inevitable”.

Back to Russia-Ukraine, if we would just zoom out of the picture, turn back time, at least until WW II, and then zoom slowly back into the course of global history. What do you see? Who were friends/allies, what did people know about each other’s culture, each other’s economy, what type of freedoms did people enjoy or miss? Well, all I wish to say about the Ukraine conflict is, there is a chance for peace without a shot being fired. It’s going to take sacrifice on all fronts. I can understand that Mr. Putin doesn’t want countries who consider him an enemy, at his doorstep. I also can understand Ukraine also not wanting to be bullied by any country. Unfortunately, they sit as a buffer between “Enemies” West against East.

Today the world, its economies, banking systems, cultures, religions are so intermingled, that it isn’t necessary to be talking war under false pretenses of freedom because the bottom line it’s about pipelines, currencies, control, etc. There is really enough for us 7.8 billion inhabitants and then some, to live with at least the basics and not hunger. think of some of those talking tough putting innocent lives (yours and mine) in danger. They have crazy incomes, like certain “elected” European parliament elitists, of 35 thousand Euros a month, or other politicians, are they really worried about the effects of war, will they themselves, personally experience the bloodshed and death in their own family? What will be their protection in an all-out confrontation? You can only hide in the bunker for so long.

I believe “Peace is Possible”! We all have to contribute in the best ways we can and stop hating the other because they are not like us or think like us. Most important is that together we work on sustaining our planet and look to help our fellow humans and teach our children respect for themselves and others.

our company spreads the message in different ways. Today we are spreading the message with our Merchandise. Even if the designs etc. are not your style, we appreciate it if you just spread the message.

About our company acronym W.A.R., it stands for Wise and Rich, and are the first letters of my family name Warrington. But yes, I (we) am making war against all that is harmful towards children, women/men animals, and the rest of our environment. Our “weapons for Peace” are our minds (strategies), services, and products.

We are doing our part in spreading the message of peace, with this blog and our merchandise. Click the button for more details.

I wish you and your inner circle, good health, happiness, and peace!

Stay tuned for more…

Your friendly Nateworker

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