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Nathan Warrington

Miracles are very real!

Updated: Apr 14, 2022

Hello everyone,

we have a special weekend coming up, full of spiritual joy. Muslims are celebrating (since April 1) Ramadan, Ramadan Kareem. Christians are celebrating Easter, happy holidays to all. And Jews are celebrating Pessach, Chag Pessach Sameach!

It is so good to know that there are still millions of humans on our planet, who in their respected beliefs, believe in a creator and sustainer. People trying to connect with the source that can help clean all of this mess we humans have made. Some may say, it will take a miracle, and there are others who think miracles are just Fantasy, well, Miracles Are Very Real!

Disclaimer: I am no Professor, Scholar, or Religious Teacher , just a 60 year citizen on the planet, expressing his opinion! At the end of this blog you will find our newest addition to our company.

Enjoy and please share if you like!

We all go through our daily lives, and sometimes taking for granted the many great wonders and miracles that constantly happen to and around us. Miracles like surviving an accident and coming out without a scratch. Getting that job over 100 other candidates. A near death experience, or the miracle and wonder of the perfection of our Planet Earth. Yes we take this great planet and much more for granted. Everything from the earths position in the vast universe to the perfect balance, 24/7. Have you ever thought about where our planet is perfectly positioned in our solar system? A little closer to the sun we would burn up, a little further away we would freeze. Alone the fact that we stay in a perfect orbit and not collide into the sun or other planets is a miracle.

Most people would only acknowledge this miracle, when a major catastrophe would be announced by main media outlets. Then it's "Oh lawd please help Us".

How often do you take in consideration, how all of this began and manages to exist? Do you wake up in the morning and say "wow I'm back, thanks"?

Just being consciously aware of all the things that came into existence and that return at the perfect time (nature etc.) and with perfect temperature, is worth contemplating daily. Some people can't even bake a perfect cake :-)

Do you know what all transpired in the very beginning in a blink of an eye?

Watch the clip and be amazed.

What about the miracle of you reading and comprehending this piece (vision, and comprehension), you getting up this morning and all organs (brain, heart, liver, blood flow, air channels) functioning, all systems go and YOU can't even take the credit for it, because you didn't start or keep the machinery running, the SOURCE of all life does, and that's a miracle!

And this non-stop for all 7.4 billion people and animals on this planet - Amazing.

Amazing is also how we get here in the first place. I was present at every birth of all my children. Just think of the complicated system, the Super Intelligent SOURCE has constructed for the production of human life.

Check this out.

Here some quick amazing facts about the wunder inside of us.

Lungs: 70% of waste is eliminated by our lungs simply by breathing. Heart: The 5 liters of blood travel through 100 Kilometers of blood vessels every minute. Also laughter is good for the heart. Our Liver: largest gland performs more than 500 essential functions. It filters about 1.7 liters of blood per minute. Pancreas: it has taste buds, which determine how much insulin to release. The human body is a brilliant masterpiece, a perfect puzzle that can only be attributed to a divine mastermind. And all of this from just 2 cells and God of course.

I am going to hyperspace into another area real quick and swing back to our miracle narrative in a moment.

Have you ever wondered why most global governments and their politicians, or lawmakers are steady changing existing laws and creating new ones? Well first of all, they are laws made by humans and humans can and do make mistakes. These Law changes, which are Man-Made, are most of the time only advantageous for the very wealthy or the legislation writers themselves. We see the double standards all the time. We all know the term diplomatic immunity, no it doesn't mean being protected or exempt from a certain disease, it is a LAW instated by human Lawmakers, making them EXEMPT or Immune from certain Laws. Any type of "Justice System" set up this way is definitely foul, and that is practically all governments on our planet. Their laws are not only destructive for their individual countries, but in some cases, for all of the human race.

This in turn, holds back the possibility of miracles and blessings from the ultimate force. In fact some of these human "lawmakers" are very energetic, in trying to drive the public away from the belief in the original source of creation, the supreme creator, what we humans call god. They want us to be enslaved and believe in their political agendas. They want to bring people out of balance with the super natural and enslave their minds, by trapping them in material delusions. Sure, good food, nice cars, jewelry and a beautiful house are nice to haves, but not to the extreme, anything extreme is not healthy. That was part of the original law thousands of years ago.

The real Supreme Ruler of this planet has provided an instruction manual (laws) with guidelines, which all of the major faiths hold to like, not to steal (many politicians are stealing big time), not to kill, one of the major laws is how to treat a worker, which is interpreted as slave, but is actually worker, and for the PARENT to TEACH their Children diligently, the Parent has HIGHEST Priority to teach their children, not the Governments or School System.

And our "modern societies"? Why are women still fighting for equal pay? There are also ancient laws about sexuality, and moralistic living. The creator said be fruitful and multiply, which means you should produce children, and by doing so of course you have sex, but even here it must be kept clean and not exploited as it is today.

Too many people, Males and Females are putting their private business on public display! This also holds back blessing and miracles. Don't like what i say TOO BAD!

So I have one more clip for you before taking this out. From Prince Ea, I like some of his stuff.

The LAWS OF NATURE are over thousands of years old, and you know what? It's exactly what holds all of the forces in the universe in check and what brings blessing and miracles for all of humanity, not just Jews, Christians or Muslims. The master of all isn't prejudice, it shows mercy and makes miracles for all living beings, from the large blue whales, to humans, to the smallest living creatures like Nanoarchaeum equitans (Iceland sea creature).

If you fully read the ancient laws concerning the leaders of a country, or community, and what is expected of them, you will see they are to lead by EXAMPLE, not be EXEMPT because of their status. If they speed, they should pay the price, if they earn they also should pay taxes.

The mother religion (Judaism) of all three major religions, is celebrating the holiday of Passover starting this weekend. A holiday commemorating being released from bondage, physical and mental slavery, kind of like what we have in our modern society today - mental slavery. If you ask me, it is a lot worse (teaching little kids about sexuality, the transgenderisms, cheating, immorality etc. ) today. The focus in America on race, and trying to stir up hatred against people, who are of European descent, It's a real mess. I am a Black American and I am smart enough without a college degree to know, evil is in every race and religion. What is transpiring is a modern divide and conquer of the mind.

Back to the Passover. Many miracles were performed back then and I know many will say, that was thousands of years ago who knows? Ok, but just grab any history book (non religious) in Greek, Italian, English and so on, you will read the history of 4 major ruling empires that wiped out a lot of nations and their beliefs, from human memory, and those ancient powerful empires with their laws and beliefs are also no longer in existence as they were before.

Look up the Assyrians, Babylonians (both in modern day Iraq), back then they believed in a deity Marduk, and no disrespect at all, but today they believe in Islam, some Sunni some Shi'a. Look up the Greek and Roman Empires, they had a pantheon consisting of 12 deities and now they are either Roman Catholic or Greek Orthodox Christians (According to the Christian texts, Jesu also celebrated Passover).

All 4 of those Empires extinguished a lot of cultures and people, but somehow by some miracle the Jewish people, were able to survive. It wasn't their brain skills or tactics, all a miracle.

OK, let me make myself CLEAR at this point for all, I am not trying to down any nation, people or their religions. I respect all and I believe the creator is good to all Humankind, ALL.

There are enough Jewish people on this planet, who are big sinners as well.

As you know in my previous posts, I say that when wanting to get the facts or believing a story etc. go to the source and when speaking about, spirituality and miracles, I do more than listen to the spiritual teachers of today, because even some of them are corrupt and just use the naivety of people for their personal gain. Just like the false prophets of thousand years ago.

People so easily believe the daily narratives streamed out from the governments and their secret intelligence branches. With help of the different public manipulators in medicine, finance, fashion, entertainment etc., people are drawn away from the real reality and the miracles performed right in our faces. Many because of confusion, don't even believe in a super power. I really hope that we all soon get back to how we should be, not be controlled by this new trend of crazy sexisms, fears and hatreds that are fed to us.

I PRAY, that each and everyone of you (from white to black, Children, Women and Men, Poor and Rich) enjoy your holiday time, your "downtime" and use it to lift your mind and spirits up to the source. Start seeing the miracles in your life and do what you have to do to make more miracles happen.

Now we are at the part where I present a few goodies for you :-).

We have a new partner, that can take care of those creative duties for you in gift giving.

It can be difficult at times as a business owner or as a happy client, friend, family member, finding the right present for the right moment. We would like you to meet Gourmet Gift Baskets.

From welcoming a friend into a new home to kicking off a season of summer BBQs, gourmet gift baskets are a terrific gift.

Just click on the picture to go directly to there site.


As I mentioned above we are all made up of a bunch of cells and these cells work hard to keep us functioning, but they need special care and at times extra attention due to our environment.

Even though we try to eat healthy, exercise and keep our minds fit, we have to add some extras. We have a non-transdermal method, that can activate stem cells and give you more energy, better sleep, reduce and eliminate pain, and much more.

Click on one of the photos to get the full information about these super patches, they really work wonders as an added support for your bodies wellness!

So people, tomorrow is Friday and then time to celebrate. I wish you and your families happy healthy holidays and a great connection with the source in your individual respected ways!

Take care

your friendly Nateworker

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