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Nathan Warrington

Mental Wellness in Crazy times!

Updated: Apr 1, 2022

Hello again Ladies & Gents,

I want to touch on something which is important to us all, and that is our Mental Health!

Mental health can only be achieved when we learn to take control of our mindset. It isn't easy, due to all of the distractions and it will at times demand help.

Unfortunately, the last few years have set many people, and sadly our children into a state of depression, anxiety (unfocused fear), and fear (emotional reaction to real threat). Thanks to the noises in the media about Covid, War, Economy, CRT, Genderisms, etc., many people have it very hard moving forward and end up making decisions, which add even more harm to themselves.

My purpose here is to give you some inspiration and tips, for better health & success in your life.

As always, I would like to state, that I am not a professor, Doctor, or Scholar, just a normal human being with an opinion and a big wish to help you succeed!

At the end of this piece, I have a really interesting and helpful tip for you, so enjoy!

Most of us want to enjoy freedom, live peacefully and have access to the necessities in kife, like a decent shelter, clothing, and food. Unfortunately, not all people are so fortunate. Why? Partly because of the greed in some elite structures, governments and sometimes it is just our giving up the control, of our own mindset, to other influences that manipulate our actions. Yes, heaven also plays a major role, but for now let's talk about what's in our power.

Let's begin with the mind, as it starts to develop & record, at the age of a toddler (9 months). Babies understand a lot more than they can express, and the hard drive (brain) is very actively writing & saving. This will make a difference in the later years in our life.

We all know the saying, you are what you eat, we also know we are what we think.

And as a baby, you are what you see. Never underestimate the actions your babies see. As you know I like working with video and text, so here is a quick video on early childhood by Brain Matters.

I started with this video because maybe it will help some of you understand why you tick as you do today. Also as a lil tip for the new parents out there, you are also now responsible for the leaders of tomorrow, your child is our future, so give it the best experience, and exposure.

The 3 Brains

Did you know in a way we have 3 brains? Ok, think about it, there are some things we set out to do and our mind and body are in sync and we perform the act sent from the brain, without hesitation.

But we sometimes want to do things and have to make a decision like, which clothes to wear to work, where to go on vacation, do I want to commit my life to that certain someone, do I fight or make peace? Yes, our minds/brains are playing a role in these decisions, but a lot of times our hearts and stomach decide for us as well.

You get that so-called gut (stomach brain) feeling, or the, "what does my heart say" feeling in times of dispute with our partner or when disciplining our children. In my opinion, too many leaders or so-called elite, do not use enough of their hearts, when making decisions. For that matter it doesn't seem they use any brain and unfortunately we are where are today because of that.

Here is another quick (3 min) clip from Dr. Shimi Kang (Harvard), talking about the 3 brains.

So as you see, for instance by the gut-brain, it is important to supply the gut/stomach with only the best of quality food - as organic as possible, which also affects the clean blood flow to the heart and brain! All 3 have to work in sync, do not settle for cheap food, or anything that is cheap and of low to no value for you. If you eat pizza, make sure the ingredients are organic, not sprayed and don't eat it so often. Focus on vegetables. Another negative food source in my eyes are the fast food chains, stay away from them, they also have an effect on your overall performance.

The intake of negative music, media or being in negative situations, is also toxic.

Many people fall victim to the manipulation of negative media (aggression, immorality, consumption/greed). Sure I like watching videos (humor, informational, etc.) but remember, this is not a world full of nice people, it's not a world full of ugly ones either, just choose wisely and use good judgment.

We also have seen what impact the mandates and lock-downs have made in our lives. Some people have lost practically everything and in such cases, have a hard time adjusting to the "New Normal". Some turn to excessive alcohol or drugs or both and just drag themselves and at times others with them down the drain. Besides keeping your body fit with quality food, exercise, and enough sleep, we need to exercise the brain, you can for sure find enough tips online. Before moving on, you probably already know, but for those who don't, remember nothing in life stays the same so long as you keep moving. If you are in a bad situation, cry scream, but then stop pick yourself up and use your mind to move forward!

Peak Mental Performance!

As I mentioned we need to make sure the food we consume is of high quality. Unfortunately, in some cases, we do need to supplement, but even here please take caution, there are so many crappy products on the market.

I have one last clip for you, from Doctor Dave. Some of you already know him and are making use of his recommendations. Here is what he has in Brain Health.

Many are suffering from stress at home, at work from facilities crew up to the CEO. If you are looking for a safe, natural solution, I can definately recommend Brain Pill from Dr. Dave.

Absolutely risk-free 60 days

Please click on the photo here or go to the link below, to get more indepth information about the ingredients. Clinical Study Results for Brain Pill ® offer Proof that it significantly improves your ability to Learn, Focus and Concentrate For Superior Mental Performance.

Try Brain Pill® for 60 days. If, for any reason, you are not 100 percent satisfied, simply return the empty containers within 67 days from the time of delivery for a full refund, excluding shipping charges.

There have been and still are products on the market, which are to give us protection from certain viruses etc.

Many have no real clinical trials, which makes it questionable for me why people would take such products in the first place and also give them to their children. You have to be careful with all that goes inside of your body and mind.

Brain Pill is all natural and professionally tested, see here .

I hope you've enjoyed our information. The Brain pill isn't for ladies who are breast feeding And with all products for health and wellness, always consult with your trusted physician.

I wish you all a great weekend, good health, peace and happiness.

Be Blessed


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