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Nathan Warrington

Intelligent design

Hello all,

my piece today is about that which we so lightly take for granted, and that is the beautiful wonders, the intelligent design, and the powers of creation. You and I, as the highest created intelligence, can rule and further develop this planet together, we just have to stick to the owner’s manual. Unfortunately, there are forces that do not wish for us to live well and prosper. They wish to enslave us, mentally and physically, and destroy us. To drain us of our life force energy.

We are fed so much garbage through different media channels in our society, which is the cause of our imbalances and fatal diseases.

I hope you will be able to reflect and stand up as a warrior and be a part of the change for a united moral society. Living together, cleaner, healthier, safer, and happier. The ruling entities on our planet want to hold us in fear, chaos, and division. They want to keep us dependent on them, but it won’t work, we are too many, and believe it or not, there is a FORCE much stronger than them.

So be strong and enjoy the read, I hope you will be inspired.

I am no prophet or scientist, just a 60-year-old man expressing his opinion, everyone is welcome to disagree!

I want to start off with a few lines out of a recommended book by Gerald Schroeder. It’s about something we only think of, partly during the trimester stages or when a baby is miraculously born. Once here we ourselves do not think about the processes which have taken place from week one to the time of birth.

For example, thanks to our created intelligence, we are able to know through technology that over 90% of humans on our planet, when laying in our mother’s belly for two to three weeks, structures that will become the heart and nervous system can already be identified. A bit over a week later the heartbeat begins, and this is unknown to the mother.

By week five key organs are in place. Beginnings of eyes dot THE SIDES OF THE HEAD. Sides of the head! The embryo is still a mere quarter-inch long, about the length of the “the” in this sentence, but AS FULL OF VARIETY AS AN ENCYCLOPEDIA. (WEEK FIVE!!).

In the sixth week, precursor cells mark the beginning of the central nervous system. The brain begins to enlarge.

Ok, FAST FAST Forward. To the birthing phase. The fetal placenta in 99.9% of women, realizes that it’s time and STOPS producing a hormone that for nine months kept the uterine muscles relaxed. Without this chemical inhibition, they begin the contractions of labor. As the actual birth begins, the umbilical arteries, for nine months the fetal lifeline, CLAMP SHUT while the umbilical vein amazingly WAITS to shut just long enough for the fetal blood that happened to be in the placenta at this moment to be returned to the fetus.

Now you tell me, is that intelligent design or what? What is controlling that? Is it a super intelligence from an extraterrestrial place? NO Not little gray men with water heads. Extraterrestrial means outside our planet earth, even outside all of what is material or conscious. It is GOD, and it doesn't make mistakes in its creation of man and woman!

In our “Modern society” people over the planet are celebrating a month of “Gay Pride”. A Month-long? What about celebrating Human Pride and most important GOD Pride. You don’t have to be ashamed to say you believe in what we humans call God. Yes, we all have different interpretations of God, and it is all good. We can all agree this powerful force created and sustains us all!!

Or do you really believe that all of those Aristocrats, Bureaucrats, Multi-Rich, global drivers want us to believe in and trust in a creator?

Of course not, that’s why Hollywood doesn’t make any sensible movies, anymore let alone biblical ones. The fashion industry is mainly promoting and designing clothing that isn’t modest. And the music industry which used to be one of the sources to soothe the soul is also under the control of some evil beings. Putting out foul language and videos of immorality.

Many of us are seeing things a lot clearer, and of course, there are some humans that are unfortunately so far mind blown and trapped in the web of materialism that they don’t realize this spiritual damage that is being done to them.

We intelligently designed beings have been blessed, with the ability, above all creation to further build on this master plan. Whether in agriculture, architecture, science, or medicine. Since human existence on this planet, some men thought themselves so superior over the rest, that they have seen and still see themselves as gods. History proves it from Nimrod, the Pharaohs, Alexander the great, Caesars of Rome, Hitler, Kim of North Korea, etc.

These Elite financial rulers are trying to act as gods and have us believe that men can have babies or menstruate. They are pushing their agenda on children at schools, away from GOD Pride to GAY Pride. What kind of crap is this? I am not judging the gay community or anyone, only the creator and real ruler can, but teaching our children to be trans, etc. isn’t my thing, I take pride in what I believe in and that is to be kind, just, giving, respectful, and live as morally as possible.

People’s sexual preferences are their private thing to choose what they want; it just goes too far hanging it all out in public! And these want-to-be gods are going so far as to try making their own type of human through Ai and brain docking etc. They want to rule like gods. They want us to just accept their narrative of things and have us forget where we come from, who we really are, and where we are going after this material life. We are GOD’s Intelligent Design, and I think it is pretty clear this super force is what keeps the earth in orbit, brings in the different seasons, feeds the animals in nature, and has placed our planet perfectly in the solar system and much more.

People I ask you to think about this and go deep inside and humble yourselves. Give God recognition for all it does for you and ask for connection. You don’t need a book or a temple, just go to a quiet space for you to connect. Remember God is the ultimate super intelligence, way way too high for us as intelligent design to understand, but it has given us signs to know it is there, and when we connect with it, it doesn’t act like a genie in the bottle, just know we are on the winning tea.

Hope you have enjoyed the piece and if so please share and spread God’s Pride!

We have a little Merch for you below.

Stay healthy happy and safe


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