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Nathan Warrington

Are we made in the IMAGE of our Creator?

Updated: Mar 4, 2022

Hi, my last post in the spirituality section was about souls, this is also about souls, but I am going to take you on a different tour today. I would like to state that, what you will read is in no way to discriminate against anyone’s culture, religion, or belief. On the contrary, my goal is to unite all humans on this planet because we all come from the one, same source, created in the image of our CREATOR. But what does it mean? Read on.

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As I have mentioned before, I am no scholar, religious leader, etc. just a normal person, living, learning, and trying to enlighten. I was born in 1961, so, many of you know that most of the human population were more in tune, with their higher selves up until about the 90s. Now in these modern times, with all of the possibilities (Internet) to inform

ourselves about

practically everything, it

seems instead of the majority population growing higher and uniting together, we are falling into a very low state of false deceptions and separation (media, government, partly corrupt leadership in all religions). We are stepping more and more away from our simple owner’s manual (how to eat, treat nature and the stranger, etc.), and we are trying to disown the source that gave us the owner’s manual, and which created and sustains us all. But, just like a child who runs off, to the other side of the globe to get away from their parents, it still doesn't change the fact that they are and always will be their parents and so it is with the creator of both you and me, no matter how we want to run away, and try to disown it, the fact stands, we are created in the image of our creator, what we all in our respective languages call G-d.

The root of things

Before getting into my piece for today, I just hope you agree, that if you wish to understand a subject, you have to dig deep as possible in either the history or root of things. We see the beautiful leaves and strong limbs of a tree, but for a tree to stand strong, one of the things it needs are good roots. Today we drive cars with smart technology, the root or history of that is the donkey or chariot. We send information/messages with our electronic tablets, the root of this is the ancient cuneiform system (3400 B.C.) written on stone tablets…ok?

So, when it comes to the creation of us humans, the descendants of Adam (I will explain shortly what I mean by descendants of Adam), we find in the spiritual texts, of the 3 major religions, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness”. So now finally, the big question, – WHO IS US? And what IMAGE?

Have you ever asked yourself the question, who was the CREATOR talking to, was it the angels it created? Some other beings in the extraterrestrial realm? And to the second part of the phrase, what image? Maybe when we get into the roots of the term image, we can find some logic. OK, we know an image is defined as a representation of the external form of a person or thing in art. Image can also be a concept in mind – hmm. I won’t go too deep here now because I plan to get deeper into this subject in the future, with another post.

So, when we humans look at ourselves and each other, which part of G-ds image do we see? I have brown eyes, kinky hair, and dark brown skin, and maybe you have very straight hair, the color bright golden blond, skin color pale or fair (without cheating), and blue eyes.

I am a man, is G-d a Man? In my personal opinion, No!

What about all of the women/females, they are also created in the image of our CREATOR and the US? Do I believe G-d is a woman? No. What G-d is or isn't I will write about in the future, if it is the will of my creator. If we take the scripts of the major faiths, I would say read all with an open mind, then use the method of the root. When a message is given or a story told, it is better to go to the oldest source and that is its roots.

The oldest writing that tells us a story about the beginnings comes in Cuneiform (high-tech communication) from the land of the Sumerians, Assyrians, Iraq, around 3000 B.C.E.

Some very interesting things to look at and the civilization back then were really advanced in Astronomy, mathematics, etc. but, that's not the roots or source I will go to, but to the original Bible (Torah) of the Hebrews, today the Jewish people. who also originally came from this area as well. Why? Because on this issue, the 3 major religions basically agree and the Quran and Christian Bible came years later afterward so I like to catch the original source.

The CREATOR consults with its creation

So was there a combined effort of creation, did other beings also create us, humans, with the CREATOR? Maybe that would answer the in our image question, maybe there was a blond being, a kinky-haired one, tall, short etc., NO, NO NO!

There are so many things that are and will stay a mystery. Then there are some things that are logical and clear to understand with our conscious MIND! For instance, when we humans, animals, and plants end our journey here on earth, a part of us decomposes and turns to dust and ash. That's our physical part which is in the Image of the earth (we have representations, of rivers=blood/fluids, forests=hair, wind=breath, fire=body temperature, inside of us).

Did it not also say in the bible that the CREATOR formed the first man ADAM from the ground and that to the earth he/she shall return? So we have at least a clue to a part of who or what the CREATOR was talking to in the let US part. I will go deeper in another blog.

So who or what else could the CREATOR have been communicating with, in the let US? How about angels? Yes, and I am going to let that stand there as it is. Question, what else did the CREATOR create before man? Oh, before moving on, do I believe there were Humanoids created before Adam? Yes, absolutely, but they were not of the Adamic race!

Back to what was all created before Adam and that is the Waters (upper and lower), Sun, stars, constellations, and elements, etc.?

Everybody is a STAR!

Now we are going to get into the science of things, you may ask, is it not in conflict with the ancient scripts of the bible? No, science is playing catch up. But if we bring science into the subject there are issues like the age of the universe (15 billion years) etc., that do seem conflicting with the text's account of the age of the universe? Remember what Einstein said: "time is relative". If possible I will also be posting on this topic in the future.

So now what's with the US and stardust. Have a look at this clip.

There is so much interesting information on this topic which you can further source for yourself.

So, now we have a good idea, who the US is, in let us make. And we also have part of the image of G-d, the physical part in what is created with super extraterrestrial intelligence. To put it a little more clearly as far as the physical aspect. In other words, part of the creator is in everything. Let's take for example a newborn baby, here is a logical question with a logical answer. Who plays a part in this baby coming into this physical world? The mother, father and you got it the creator.

Real quick back to Adam, Eve, and (its) G-ds image. Just that you understand when speaking about G-d I use the term it, because I do not believe it has a human form, so it is not a he or she. Just read back to what I said above. I believe if it did have a human form, it should have a big mix (large lips, slim nose, one female breast, multi-colored hair, eyes, and skin, etc.), if not it would be totally unfair. Moving on...

We all came and will leave by the will of G-d

So coming to the close, let's get to the CREATORS part of creating humans in its Image. What did it do after man was formed from the earth? It says the CREATOR blew life into Man's nostrils.

Shouldn't we be asking the question, if beasts or animals which have, eyes, a heart, blood, needing to eat, drink, sleep, etc. were created before man and just by word, are they in the CREATORS image? No, because Man has something extra, which gives him the so-called likeness or image of G-d. Man was created with an animal soul for animation or movement, and the CREATOR added something extra special to us, it "blew" or placed its LIKENESS into Man and that likeness or image is in the mind soul sector, a sort of second higher soul. Now, I ask you, can you see your thoughts or your soul? No, only an aftereffect in form of form the actions. When we do bad, negative things, people would say "he/she has an evil soul. Picture two people sitting with their eyes closed and each is to explain their thoughts of a beautiful sunny day. The sun is a known fact for all, just how do each portray it, in the morning, noontime, or a beautiful sunset, what about the rest of the setting? You with me?

So to wrap it up, the godly part of us is the intellect. So you may say, well what about all of the evil people, like Nimrod, Pharaoh of Egypt, Julius Caeser to Hitler, etc., and some sickos today, did or do they have the image of G-d? Well, this is only my opinion, but I think until we breathe our last breath on this earth, we have the potential to strengthen the G-dly image in ourselves by turning away from evil activities and doing good. Many people today, as well as those I mentioned above, take the term being an image of g-d in the wrong sense, thinking themselves to be gods, take out your history books, it's in there. The world leaders and elite want to rule like gods controlling the population, changing the owners manual.

We children of the Adamic race (Humans) have the potential to be higher than angels, the manipulators on our planet do not want that. They want to seduce our animal soul which leads us to steal, kill, live immoral, practically living far out of touch with the CREATOR.

Let's not forget, the CREATOR gave us something else, very special as a gift and that is free will. The CREATOR is fair and gave us a simple Instruction manual, to help us make the right choice and this is for all races and religious and nonreligious if you consider yourself human. Actually children of Noah! We are all ONE, like our CREATOR is ONE, even with our individual views, and lifestyles.

I think that will be all for now, because it is Friday the start of the weekend, and like it says in the Instruction manual, from the CREATOR of all, you should take 1 day off, to recharge your body and soul. Did you know most cultures in the ancient world did not enjoy this?

So I wish you all a peaceful weekend and pray for peace, for the people of Ukraine, Russia, and the rest of the world!

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Many blessings

Take care

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