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Nathan Warrington

Humans are all related

Hello again everyone,

I was not really sure what I would write about this time, so I decided to just let my fingers move forward after developing a title.

From the title, I guess you can imagine where this is going.

I hope after readingn this you will see things in your life with a different perspective, with more trust in yourself and the power that guides you. And that you find real purpose in your life!

As always, at the end of this piece, I'll have a few interesting suggestions for you, enjoy.

As always, I am no Doctor, Scholar or religious leader, just a 60 year old spreading input.

Wow, here we are in the month of April 2022, together as humanity living on a perfectly designed planet and universe. We have discovered so many things on, in and outside of our planet and our individual selves, but haven't even begun to touch the surface, and all of this has so much depth, created, designed and sustained by a super intelligence.

You know, certain so called leaders of society the "Elite" seem to want to separate people in groups, the blacks, whites, Asiens, Latinos, rich, poor, conservative, Jews, Christians, Muslims etc. you ever ask yourself WHY? And have you ever sat back to think - HEY are we all somehow related?

I've got a quick interesting clip (from BeSmart) for you, on the topic of us all being one big family.

I think many of us already know, we are all connected and basically family. We come from one source. We have different shades, sizes, opinions and beliefs, but so do husbands and wives, brothers and sisters etc.. These differences and beliefs shouldn't cause us to hate and harm one another, unless people are acting in such a horrific way, that causes destruction to our societies and environment.

We all have the freedom and right, to live our lives and earn a living, as long as what we offer and how we earn our income, is done in an ethical way and offers real benefit to those

interested. Employees should be treated with dignity and paid fairly. Women/Females, should be paid equally as their Male counterparts. Children should be protected from all in society whether, they are directly connected to us or not.

Here in Germany, many mandates have fallen. Also, at least for now, there will be no mandatory vaccinations imposed. People can go into stores without wearing masks. It is such a great feeling to see someone's face while talking to them. Little children can observe and learn various human mimics again. With this new good news, there are still many people walking around voluntarily with masks, in stores, or even in the beautiful fresh nature.

It is their decision, but it is incredible to see how just a small minority of people can manipulate and influence the lives of others. People are fed so many negative stories in television, radio, newspapers, web etc. Many can not cope with the flood.

Also many people are very unhappy and do not even realize it or even why!

People need to wake up and "Smell The Coffee".

Check out this very interesting short clip from Prince EA.

So I hope you enjoyed the clip and my post and that you take this weekend to go inside yourself and see if what you are doing is really fulfilling your true purpose and making you happy, or if you are doing something just to make money.

Do you have a dislike of a certain group of people or person because of what you just hear from the media or your inner circle, or do you have personal facts? Do you think you are worth more or better than others because you own 1 or more houses, own a business, studied at a university, are a member of a specific club etc.?

Let's start to be real with ourselves and then we will shine authenticity to the people in our world. Be a leader and not a follower. Believe in yourself your dreams and always help others!

If you are looking to try going independent and building your own business and need a few basic tips, you can contact us by Email.

The same goes for if you want to Botox your business!

Ok, Botox is not my thing, but ladies have you heard of the amazing things Dr. Dave is doing? We're talking about wrinkle reduction of up to 354%. There's nothing wrong with taking care of our appearances in a healthy ethical way, and when possible with a product that has natural ingredients.

Ladies if you wish to know more, please go here

Ok fellas yes I have something for you too. Whether you are 20 or my age 60 and over, there are a few amazing products on the market, that build stronger muscles, which is important to carry your frame (not to show off) and really helps in weight management. No needles and all natural. Get yourself informed about TestRX, i am getting great feedback and thanks for the referrals. No obligations guys, research, test and if not satisfied, return, which you definitely won't. The same is for you ladies, Guaranteed. And yes our company is also affiliated.

Guys just click on the ICON and make your difference!

I wish you all a great weekend full of introspect and peace.

your friendly Nateworker

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