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Nathan Warrington

Big Bang Fact

Hello, my dear reader,

In this spirituality blog, the title is Big Bang Fact. This one will be a mouth dropper for some so get ready to hold your hands under your chin. I recommend you read the whole article and check the videos there will be something for everyone.

Many of you are familiar with the TV series “Big Bang Theory”, so being that it is my opinion that it was no theory, I titled this blog “Big Bang Fact” and as you read on, you will see why.

As I always state, I am no teacher, scholar, or the like, just a normal visitor here on our beautiful planet Earth. So, the information here is my opinion and is in no way meant to attack anyone’s belief, I only want to share. Also, our blogs are only in English.



I hope this blog post gives you a little positive energy, some brain food, and hope you can break away from the disturbances and manipulated frequencies being sent around our wonderful planet.

Information, be it in literature, Archeology, Mathematics, etc., must be understood in its deepest level of understanding, the language closely associated with it.

In computer programming, you have different languages (HTML, JAVA, C, etc.), I think about 50 in all. These give instructions to digital computers that then carry out specified tasks or functions that you might use every day on the internet or in apps. Knowing about different programming languages gives computer programmers the skills to perform complicated programming tasks on a variety of systems.

The big bang = Creation is also a special programmed system developed from a supremely intelligent, extraterrestrial language – No not from little green or grey men 😊.

Science also has its language, for instance, the term H2O is known for water. The understanding of it is realized when you break down the H-the 2- and the O-. The main language used today in science is not Latin but English. That said, you will understand me when I say, to understand the science of the big bang, you need to understand the language of that science in its oldest logical source – and that is the bible. And the original bible language is Hebrew.

Now don’t run away, I am not doing any type of converting, etc., you see there is a lot of ancient information about health and other important things that, “global leaders” do not want you to be associated with. That's why over the years negative forces try to distance people from nature and its intelligent source. But take the time this time to connect.

Moving along.

One of the biggest questions is, how can science and the bible see eye to eye? Alone the scientific view of the creation phase ca. 14 billion years until Adam (nearly 6000 thousand years ago) and the bible view of 5 and a half days creation. In other words, 14 billion years squeezed in 5 1/2 days. And I say yes, of course, they do see eye to eye. First of all the bible account of creation is coming from the starting side going forward and the science or even we can only look at the creation account by going backward. There is an equation and science is still playing catch up to what the bible stated thousands of years ago. Science in the last decades is starting to confirm these texts, so don’t worry, NO FAKE NEWS here.

Take a quick 5 minutes to hear MIT Physicist and Professor Mr. Gerald Schroeder, explain the two accounts. He has written 4 books and has much more elaborate material.

Understanding the Big Bang Creation is not something we humans will fully understand or learn overnight, but there are breakthroughs, cracks in the mystery that shed some light. I mean think about the universe in our individual bodies, science is still trying to figure out one of the programmed languages of the DNA. Man is still searching for scientific signs of the soul, and so do you think that all of this great universe that is still evolving and expanding is so easy to understand? Definitely not.


The Bible, which some call the “Old Testament” actually called the Torah, is at once the oldest and the same time the most contemporary document. It is the oldest source from the current 3 Abrahamic paths, and it does give some clues to what was, what is and what will be!

One of the oldest languages, which only a handful still speak today is Egyptian Coptic about 5000 years old. The oldest language in the bible is Aramaic/ Hebrew, still spoken today (Note, the first Christians did not speak Greek, they spoke Hebrew).

The word for Science in Hebrew is Mada, written so מדע. This word can be found in the Bible, in the book of Daniel, chapter 1 verse 4. The word has been translated in English in the KJV Bible to mean science, but the true meaning is knowledge, like in the Hebrew word Daat.

What is the definition of the word science? The systematic structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment. I'm just trying to give some of you bits and pieces in the puzzle, to help steer you toward understanding this piece.

There is so much information in the bible's account of creation, which could entail hours of reading, but I will only touch on the first and third verses of the genesis chapter of the bible, the big bang.

Looking at the text of Genesis chapter 1, verse 1 in the Hebrew language, the first word begins with the second letter of the Hebrew alphabet, Bet (sounding like bait). There is a science with all of the letters, for instance, Beit represents the number 2, it can mean either "in", "at", or "with". According to the ancient masters of the science of the Torah, Beit is giving a heads up, that there is a written as well as an oral account of the bible.

Beit also means house..hmmm. So this being the first letter of the spoken word of creation fits to the creator providing a home, our planet, Universe for our creations. Beit represents duality, everything created is in pairs, plants, humans (Man, Woman) day and night. One last thing, the letter is closed on three sides, representing the creator's part of creation, the one open side is representing us humans, meaning we are to complete and sustain creation, further with the creator. Deep stuff!

The first 3 minutes of the universe

The first word spoken is Beresheet (I spelled it phonetically), which in English and other western languages means in, at, or with the beginning. What is being portrayed here, is that the creator of all of this what we see and don’t see is creating time, space, and matter from nothing at this point. It (I do not believe the creator has a human form that is why I say "It") created a glob of chaotic forces, all of the necessary Ingredients of our 14-billion-year-old universe. The second word in the first sentence is Bara (created, creation), so in other words, the complete first sentence is basically saying, before the beginning of time, space, and matter the world/universe was being created.

Please note, the first Hebrew word is made up of six letters,

which hint at the six individual days or better-said cycles of creation. Remember the creation process was 6 days then the creator said, all should rest. The ancient Babylonians were masters of astronomy and setting up a calendar, they also worked 6 days and took a day off.

On 7 March 321, Constantine I, Rome's first Christian Emperor (see Constantine I and Christianity), decreed that Sunday would be observed as the Roman day of rest, "On the venerable Day of the Sun let the magistrates and people residing in cities rest, and let all workshops be closed".

I don’t want to bore you with too much text, so before moving on I want you to check out this clip, based on a book by Nobel Prize-winning physicist Steven Weinberg – break out the 🍿 popcorn.

In 1929, Edwin Hubble, an astronomer at the California Institute of Technology, discovered the universe is expanding. Expanded from the size of a pea – I repeat, the size of our gigantic universe started off the size of a pea.

Ok now how did this happen, what do the texts say and what do scientists say? Well, verse 3 says in the Hebrew text, Vayomer Elohim “Yehee Ohr Vayehee Ohr”. In English, And the creator said, “Let there be light”, and there was light.

Ok, we all know it wasn't the sun or other luminaries because they would become first visible on the fourth day.

We know another definition of light is ENERGY. In other words, the CREATOR was saying, LET THERE BE ENERGY AND IT WAS - BOOM!

And it is still expanding - wow!

Let there be Energy

So, the creator let out a sound in which all of the ingredients of our universe were in and puff the whole universe the size of a pea comes into existence. In this spoken word of the creator, there was everything in this 14-billion-year time, matter, and space. All of the frequencies of light, and sound play a very important role in the stability of our universe. Did you ever hear that words can heal and destroy? Why do you think prayer is so powerful. AND I MEAN EVERYONE'S PRAYER. Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, Christian, and others.

Prayers or meditations believe it or not work on frequencies, like many things in our Universe.

There are so many positive things we as Men/Women can experience if we would keep in bounds with the created frequencies and laws of nature. And this has nothing to do with religion, just the basics of living how we were created to function. Anyone at least 40 years of age knows that in this current time things are going wacko and there are some on our planet, who want this imbalance in order to control and manipulate you and me as their slave. Look at the history of Goebels. Read about Nimrod, whom the bible says was a hunter of men.

Take a look at this next clip on sound frequencies.

Bundle of Energy

We are all a bundle of energy bounded by frequency. The CREATOR made a sound at a certain frequency that burst out at such a speed and a high Kelvin temperature and the sound of that frequency can only be explained as a BIG bang or boom and here we are.

So before bringing this to a close, I want to give you one last clip. You know many people on this planet do not take the creator we call G-d very seriously in their lives. They take their successes, huge bank accounts, physical prowess, beauty, intelligence etc. as a given and do not consider daily, or at all, where this all comes from. They don't want to believe in an active super-intelligent force that's expanding the universe and at the same time, sustaining each and everything individually.

Do you believe in wonders or miracles? Do you think the creator gets involved or is everything on cruise control? Have a look at the fertilization process of an egg and then tell me there isn't a superintelligence involved here in our daily lives. And see if you can see the Soul, in the sperm cell or the egg.

That's a topic for the future. But check the clip.

I hope I could fill some holes and open new windows of curiosity.

So, unplug the stress input channel, it's FRIDAY, start your day/weekend of rest, recharge your cells and your souls!

As always I have a few articles from 2 of our shops. Our Big Bang shirts & hoodies and even tho we are a bundle of energy, as we age our stem cells get old and slow and we need at times a clean recharge. All of our clients who have tried and still use our Energy Enhancer, report very positive results. So try it, you won't be sorry!

So just click on one of the pictures to get further information.

Click here for quick information about the powerful Energy Enhancer

No Drugs or stimulants just pure energy-

Wish you all a safe and happy weekend and see you by our next blog.

Your friendly Nateworker

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