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Nathan Warrington

A real Reset for Good!

Hi All,

we decided to try the blog/vlog a lil different this time with AI.

Below you can see the text to it.

Also, you will find some accompanying Merch.

According to the western secular calendar, on January 1st the year 2024 begins. But is January the first month? Where does January come from? Answer: the Roman god Janus, which means beginning. Is it really 2024, and when yes what?

This piece is for you, and to help you think and reset your thoughts on things you may still believe true.

Enjoy and be free!

Hello all, it’s been a while, and since most of the Western world is in hover modus, meaning celebrating their holidays and turning the Gregorian clock over into 2024, I want to take this time and talk about all what’s wrong and not real, in our global society.

I think most of us over 40, I’m 62, can see a big negative change that has occurred over the past decades.

Things seem to be so fake; I mean it all starts with Hollywood producing mostly fake evil stories, music with fake messages, and television with fake news. So, the question is why? Well put simply it is all about control!

This piece isn’t going to take too much of your time. My objective is to give you my take on the subject and hope you will help me spread it so many will hit pause and maybe act in putting some things back on track.

And just maybe there’s a chance the children of the world can have a better future to grow up in.

Why is it when it comes to important things, like holidays of my Christian associates, Christmas, is associated with fakeness for children, with Santa Claus, etc. with nothing to do with their story of their faith, or people enjoying the decorated pine tree, not realizing the real history of that tree.

Why are our children of society being duped into believing a created man or woman can suddenly change their gender by just saying so?

Most women are ashamed to show their true beauty and are faking it, with their hair, nails, breasts, lips etc. And men are practically doing the same. And what about that hard-earned currency, with the label, in god we trust, that we all work hard for to pay our bills?

Is that paper backed by value or debt? Answer, Debt! The World Federal Reserve is one big lie!

Hollywood used to be the place for good entertainment, a place to get inspired by great-produced films or get a great laugh through clean comedy. Now the industry has moved directly into our homes with Netflix, Disney, YouTube, NBC, CNN, Fox etc. filling and manipulating our minds with Garbage.

The next level of News and Entertainment is coming, not through real live artists, but through Artificial Intelligence!

Do you ever look up in the sky and wonder why the clouds at times do not look natural?

They call it cloud seeding. Another form of fake Programming even the weather. For all of you believers out there, yes god does control the weather, and all things, but we humans were given free will and that’s why we are in this situation that we are in, we misuse it and it comes back to punch us in the face!

Not only is the news we digest in our brains fake, but our so-called history has been greatly distorted in many chapters.

What about the news in our recent history, concerning our health and economy? I am talking about the lockdown and reduction of income and in some cases loss of livelihood, due to the coronavirus.

I am no physician, but according to the information, from professors, people in politics etc., about the virus and the so-called remedy through the different vaccines, there were a lot of untruths to the story and now many are dead and many friends and family further divided.

Oh, divided, in America we say united we stand divided we fall, well the way it looks our politicians and global elites, as well those in the so-called united nations, do not live under that motto. It seems to me they want a global society that is divided. Most people do not choose to stand united in pleasure watching war, or people dying, but why is it that the global society was on fire and stood up for the Palestinian people but cannot stand up together for justice and truth, for children, farmers, parents, and animals?

Employers are not treating their employees with justice, with fair hours and wages and the justice system seems to only work for those in power! What about taxation for the majority, why do politicians keep faking people with lies before getting their jobs and writing laws, with their so-called loopholes, that tax the non-wealthy the most?

Why isn’t humanity standing up, united in large numbers demanding truth, from politicians, the main media, and the global elite, against this so-called great reset? Resetting our global Environment, population, how we eat, and what we say. Standing up against Transhumanism technology, implants, and brain-cloud interfaces, which is not science fiction but real.

We need to break away from totalitarianism, one world government, currency, language, etc.

We need to be as entrepreneurial as possible, independent, and build your security.

We are a diverse community but can live united in harmony.

We the “normal” people are in the majority, with much more power than most realize, we just need to come together!

Mankind shall learn war no more but live in peace with morals! Let’s cut the puppet strings.

Don’t let yourselves be controlled, think, and be free, and may you all be blessed in this secular Roman year of 2024!

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